This time of year is never fun for those of us in education (at any level) with coursework deadlines, dissertations and exam revision all controlling our lives and minds.
It's the time of year where, despite the weather, you drinks gallons of tea, coffee and hot chocolate to help waste time that should be spent doing something more important. Everyone resorts to the distracting, yet entertaining, world of procrastination...
So far in mine I have written my flat mates invites to join my procrastination
I have painted my nails repeatedly...
Created this blog and discovered numerous entertaining videos etc. Which is all entirely relevant to my degree! I wish! So as I know I am not the only one procrastinating, I shall share all my finds with you guys to further distract you.
How did they even manage to workout that they could dance like this with towels?
Angelina Jordan has such an amazing voice fir a 7 year old.
This could either be cruel or cute, but everybody gives their child lemons to test their reaction...
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon provided me with almost endless entertainment.
With multiple willing celebrity guests. From Paul Rudd,
to Stephen Merchant and Joseph Gordan Levitt
and even Emma Stone!
With an alternative, but funny as always collaboration with Justin Timberlake (sigh)
and another with Will Smith
Happy Procrastination! xo